Thursday, January 10, 2008


Since my sock and my shawl aren't showing much photogenic progress, today's update will have to be something not yet on the needles. While back in Regina for my early Christmas celebration I had a chance to wander into a new (to me) yarn shop called hip-to-knit. While I'm not crazy about the name they did stock some lovely stuff and I managed to limit myself to this truly beautiful skein of Handmaiden silk lace weight. It is a bunch of mouth watering oranges just this side of brown. Since it is reddish and ,y lighting is sub-par, the picture doesn't capture the true beauty of the thing. My current plan is to knit this up into a lace scarf of my own devising.

By next blog update I may have my socks far enough along that they actually look like socks. Here's hoping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's eve worse than hip to knit -- the shop is Hip 2 Knit.