Tuesday, December 4, 2007

That didn't take long

No sooner have I said that I want to keep blogging everyday then I don't blog for two days straight. My excuse for not blogging on Sunday was that I didn't really knit on Sunday due to the presence of a bunch of papers I had to have marked by Monday noon. The reason I didn't blog yesterday was that I had too much knitting to do (and also packing of knitting).

Despite the snowy windy weather I made it to the London Knitter's monthly meeting and happily sat around with the other brave souls knitting away. Since part of the point of the group is to hang out and talk and drink beer, I left my colour work mitten at home and opted to work on the purlple hat (I love that typo so much I just can't help using it). It was a good choice and now I am nearly finished it. Hurray.

purlple hat

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